I’m totally exhausted.
Stachybotrys, the mould biotoxin, has got to me.
I’m looking, searching, clawing desperately for a way to escape the pain of exhaustion, to feel better.
It’s just a fantasy. Without the fantasy I can sit with the pain.
But I don’t want to.
I give up the fight, relax and merge into what is happening.
Perhaps love isn’t in getting what I want, it is in loving what is happening.
Savina says
Not always easy to accept what Byron Katie says ‘To Love What Is’ but I am sure to surrender is the way out.
Erica Hesse says
Fighting reality is always at the losing end. To be in the moment puts everything in balance and opens your eyes to possibilities. Thank you Mark.
Mark Kahn says
And how much time are we on the losing end!